Acts 8 commentary easy english.

Verse 5. Then Philip - One of the seven deacons, Acts 6:5.He is afterward called the "evangelist," Acts 21:8. The city of Samaria - This does not mean a city whose "name" was Samaria, for no such city at that time existed.Samaria was a "region," Matthew 2:22.The ancient city Samaria, the capital of that region, had been destroyed by Hyrcanus, so completely as to leave no vestige of ...

Acts 8 commentary easy english. Things To Know About Acts 8 commentary easy english.

In quoting this passage in Matthew 21:15-16, Jesus told His accusers who He was and who they were. Since the babes and nursing infants praise God in Psalm 8, Jesus identified Himself as God. In this, Jesus also identified the indignant scribes and teachers as the enemy and avenger described in this psalm. iii.English Standard Version. 1 And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inland country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. ... Acts 19:8-10 is a very short synopsis of Paul's three years (Acts 20:31) in Ephesus. The fact that it can be summarized so quickly suggests Paul's time there is much like ...Acts 2. Between the promise of the Messiah (even the latest of those promises) and his coming many ages intervened; but between the promise of the Spirit and his coming there were but a few days; and during those days the apostles, though they had received orders to preach the gospel to every creature, and to begin at Jerusalem, yet lay ...1. ( Acts 28:1-2) The islanders of Malta are impressed when Paul is miraculously unharmed by a snake-bite. Now when they had escaped, they then found out that the island was called Malta. And the natives showed us unusual kindness; for they kindled a fire and made us all welcome, because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold. Verse 22. You can read about Abraham and his two sons in Genesis chapters 15-21. Abraham’s name used to be Abram until God changed it. He had a wife called Sarai. But later God changed her name to Sarah. Sarah had a slave called Hagar. Hagar had a son called Ishmael. Sarah had a son called Isaac.

God speaks to people by many different methods (Job 33:14). Elihu described a dream (Job 33:15) and a servant of God (Job 33:23). Sometimes God has spoken to people in a very quiet way (1 Kings 19:11-13). But God spoke to Job from a storm (Job 38:1). Before God spoke, Elihu described the storm.Acts 24 1 And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul. 2 And when he was called forth, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietness, and that very worthy deeds are done unto this nation by thy ...

Peter wrote this letter for three reasons: 1. He wanted the people to be stronger Christians. 2. He wanted to warn them about false teachers. He also wanted to remind them about the true Christian beliefs. 3. He emphasised that Jesus Christ will return. Then God will *judge wicked people.

Acts 8:3. As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison. Acts 8:4. Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word. Acts 8:5. Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. 8:5-13 As far as the gospel prevails ...Acts chapter 2. English Standard Version. 1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 And they were ...Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Acts 16:1. Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timotheus, the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek: XVI. (1) A certain disciple was there, named Timotheus. —We read with a special interest the first mention ...Commentary. Commentary - English; Spanish - Español ... It is easy to lose heart in prayer because prayer is hard work that we too often approach lightly. ... The laying on of hands is used Biblically as a way to bestow blessing on another (Acts 6:6, Acts 8:17, Acts 9:17, 1 Timothy 5:22, 2 Timothy 1:6).Verse 1 *Sins make people become slaves. *Jerusalem’s people have not obeyed God. But God made *Jerusalem great in the past. And he knows how to make it weak. Compare with Isaiah 47:8-11 and Revelation 18:7-8. v2 *Jerusalem is like a woman. This woman weeps in the night and there are tears on her cheeks.

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Each of them decided how much of their own money they could give. 30 Then they gave the money to Barnabas and Saul. Barnabas and Saul took this gift to the leaders of the believers in Jerusalem. Acts 11 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 1 The apostles and the other believers in Judea heard that Gentiles had also believed the message from God. 2 ...

2. The author arranges his material in groups of three and seven. This helps his readers to remember it. For example, there are three groups of three *miracles (Matthew 8:1-15; 8:23-9:8; 9:18-34). There are seven stories about where God rules in chapter 13. There are three stories about the time when Jesus returns to the earth in chapter 25. 3.Acts 8:30. Ἤκουσεν , heard ) The text was known well to Philip.— ἆρά γε , dost thou at all ) A marvellous address to make to one unknown, and him too a great man. In holy conversation we ought, without circumlocution, to come at once to the truth itself.Paul speaks to the crowd in Jerusalem. 1 Paul said to the crowd, ‘Please, listen to me, you Jewish leaders and all you other people who are Jews like me. I want to explain to you what has happened here.’. 2 The crowd heard Paul speaking to them in their own Hebrew language. So they became really quiet. Paul continued to speak.8. great joy in that city—over the change wrought on it by the Gospel, as well as the cures which attested its divine character. Matthew Poole's Commentary. Great joy; not only for the cures wroght upon their bodies, but much more for the word of reconciliation and salvation preached unto their souls: joy in the Holy Ghost, is one of the ... Jesus speaks to his apostles and he goes up to heaven. 1 Jesus did many things when he was living on earth. He also taught people many things. I told you about all these things in the first book that I wrote for you, Theophilus. 2 Those are the things that Jesus did before God took him up into heaven. Jesus had chosen some men to be his apostles.

Commentary on Acts 17:10-15. (Read Acts 17:10-15) The Jews in Berea applied seriously to the study of the word preached unto them. They not only heard Paul preach on the sabbath, but daily searched the Scriptures, and compared what they read with the facts related to them. The doctrine of Christ does not fear inquiry; advocates for his cause ...Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete) (Read all of Acts 7) When our Lord Jesus called his apostles out to be employed in services and sufferings for him, he told them that yet the last should be first, and the first last, which was remarkably fulfilled in St. Stephen and St. Paul, who were both of them late converts, in comparison of the ...1. Saul was consenting unto his death. The first three verses of this chapter Acts 7:57-60 Acts 8:1-3 ought to be attached to the one preceding. Saul consented, that is, approved and gave his voice to the death of Stephen. He did not actively take part in the stoning, but aided and abetted.A free Bible Version and Commentary on the Old Testament Book of Leviticus in Easy English. Leviticus: *Worship the *LORD in the Beauty of *Holiness. Holy Priests and a Holy Nation. ... in Acts 10:9-16. Christians do not have to obey many of the rules for *Israelites - see Acts 15:28-29 and 1 Corinthians chapter 8.The word ‘testament’ means ‘evidence’. Malachi is the last book in the *Old Testament. In God’s *covenant with his people: · God agrees to care for his people. · God’s people agree to love God and to obey him. The word ‘Israel’ here means all the *Jewish people. Malachi is a name that means ‘my messenger’. A messenger is ...Psalm 2 Commentary: Divisions. The structure of Psalm 2 is made of three parts. Verses 1 through 3 tell us about this near-universal rejection of the Lord and the king whom he’s anointed to rule his nation Israel – the Davidic ruler. That’s the first section. The second section runs from verse 4 trough verse 9.The first part of the book (chapters 1-24) deals with the failure of God's people. Ezekiel tells how God will punish them. He tells the *exiles that God will destroy Jerusalem. When this had happened, he changes his message. Then he tells about the punishment of the nations (chapters 25-32).

A free Bible Version and Commentary on the New Testament Book of Revelation in Easy English. From Now to the End of Time. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Revelation ... (Acts 2:20). He used the words of Joel the *prophet (Joel 2:30). He said, 'the sun will become darkness. ...Timothy, you are a true child in the *faith. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our *Lord give you *grace, *mercy, and *peace. Verse 1 Paul was a *Jew but from birth he was also a citizen of *Rome (Acts 22:27-28). His *Jewish name was Saul.

- Every day for daily, A.V.; at home for in every hour, A.V. (see Acts 2:46 note); to preach Jesus as the Christ for preach Jesus Christ, A.V. and T.R. The meaning is that they daily preached Jesus Christ both in the temple and in the house or houses where the disciples were wont to meet (see Acts 2:46, note). The spirit and conduct of the ...1 After that, the trouble in Ephesus finished. Then Paul asked the believers to meet together with him. He spoke to them to help them. He told them to be strong and to trust God. Then he said ‘goodbye’ to them. After that he left them and he travelled on to Macedonia. 2 He visited many places in that region.The *Jews return to Jerusalem. An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Ezra. Robert Bryce. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking.. Words in boxes are from the Bible. A word list at the end explains words with a *star by them.8:3. Saul made havoc of the Church - Like some furious beast of prey.So the Greek word properly signifies. Men and women - Regarding neither age nor sex. 8:4. Therefore they that were dispersed went every where - These very words are reassumed, after as it were a long parenthesis, chap. xi, 19, Acts 11:19 , , , , , , , .forthcoming. Walton, Steve John. Acts. Word Biblical Commentary. The best commentaries on Acts ranked by scholars and reviewers: (1) Witherington III, Ben in SRC, (2) Barrett, Charles K. in ICC, (3) Bock, Darrell L. in BECNT.Daily Devotional Acts 8:1-3 - Does God turn tragedy into triumph? ... Commentary in easy English - Day 512. And Saul approved of their killing Stephen. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned ... Commentary on Acts Page #6 Notes to the Reader To save space and for other reasons, I have chosen not to include the Bible text in these notes (please use your Bible to follow along).

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Acts 7:2. And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, (2) Men, brethren, and fathers. —The discourse which follows presents many aspects, each of special interest. (1) It is clearly an unfinished fragment, interrupted by the ...

5. How he was admitted among the brethren at Jerusalem: how he preached, and was persecuted there, Acts 9:26-30. 6. The rest and quietness which the churches enjoyed for some time after this, Acts 9:31. II. The cure wrought by Peter on Eneas, who had long been laid up with a palsy, Acts 9:32-35. III.8. receive power—See Lu 24:49. and ye shall be witnesses unto me … in Jerusalem … in all Judea … and unto the uttermost part of the earth—This order of apostolic preaching and success supplies the proper key to the plan of the Acts, which relates first the progress of the Gospel "in Jerusalem, and all Judea and Samaria" (the first through ninth chapters), and then "unto the uttermost ...Acts 8. New King James Version. Saul Persecutes the Church. 8 Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great ...The author of Acts may not want readers to conflate the "in those days" at Acts 9:37 with "the last days" at Acts 2:17 when God will pour out God's Spirit on all flesh. But maybe critical readers should conflate the two. Because the six Hellenist men (deacons) chosen to wait on the tables in Act 6 are full of the Spirit, we are not ...An EasyEnglish Bible Version and Commentary (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Genesis. Alun Owen. Words in boxes are from the Bible. A word list at the end explains words with a *star by them. This commentary has been through Advanced Theological Checking.27 This happened for two years. Felix left Paul in the prison, because he wanted to make the Jewish leaders happy. Then Porcius Festus became the ruler instead of Felix. Acts 23. Acts 25. Acts 24 - Easy English Bible (EASY) - 1 Five days after that, Ananias, the leader of the priests, went to Caesarea. Some important Jews went with him.Acts 8:30. . Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. (30) Understandest thou what thou readest? --The Greek play upon the word for understand ( Ginoskein) and read ( Anaginoskein) cannot well be produced in English, but is worth noting as parallel to a like play in the well-known saying of the Emperor Julian ( Anegnon; egnon; kategnon )--"I ...This is the fourth (4th) of these main sections: · Chapters 1 to 5 – Isaiah describes the people that live in Judah and Jerusalem. · Chapter 6 – God makes Isaiah into a *prophet. · Chapters 7 to 40 – God’s king rules God’s people. · Chapters 41 to 55 – God’s servant saves God’s people. · Chapters 56 to 66 – God’s ...It is in the book of the History of the Kings of *Israel. v32 Asa king of *Judah and Baasha king of *Israel were always at war as long as they ruled. Nadab continued to *sin and to give honour to *idols as Jeroboam had done. Baasha attacked and killed him, and all of Jeroboam’s family. So Ahijah’s *prophecy came true.

Hold on to pieces of wood, or pieces of the ship.’. In this way all of us got safely out of the sea and we arrived on the land. Acts 26. Acts 28. Acts 27 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 1 Some time after that, Festus decided that we should sail to Italy. So he commanded a soldier called Julius to guard Paul and some ….Verses 4-13. Samson's riddle is here again unriddled: Out of the eater comes forth meat, and out of the strong sweetness. The persecution that was designed to extirpate the church was by the overruling providence of God made an occasion of the enlargement of it. Christ had said, I am come to send fire on the earth; and they thought, by ...ACTS 22 COMMENTARY. Acts 22:7-16 "Saul, Saul, Why are you persecuting Me?" Acts 22:17-24 Paul in Jerusalem. Acts 22:25 Roman Scourge. Acts 22:26-30 Paul the Roman. Acts 22 Bible Study Questions (Handout) ACTS 22:1-2 1 "Brethren and fathers, hear my defense before you now." 2 And when they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language ...Instagram:https://instagram. pill identifier omeprazole capsules 20mg A free Bible Version and Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Philippians in EasyEnglish. Letter of Joy ... (Acts 16:12-40) and again during his third visit to Macedonia (2 Corinthians 8:1-5; Acts 20:5). ... It is very easy for people to forget. Paul knew that teachers need to repeat some truths many times. The ‘same things’ might mean:Acts chapter 7. English Standard Version. 1 And the high priest said, "Are these things so?" 2 And Stephen said: "Brothers and fathers, hear me. The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, 3 and said to him, 'Go out from your land and from your kindred and go into the land that I ... texasguntrader houston Timothy must be a noble servant of Christ (2:20-26). In the last days, people will do awful things (3:1-9). But Timothy must continue to do what he has learned and knows. He must do what the *scriptures say (3:10-17). He must *preach the *gospel because it is urgent that people hear it (4:1-5). mikey way and sarah cantergiani Timothy, you are a true child in the *faith. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our *Lord give you *grace, *mercy, and *peace. Verse 1 Paul was a *Jew but from birth he was also a citizen of *Rome (Acts 22:27-28). His *Jewish name was Saul. how to turn on onn earbuds The book of Judges is like a bridge. The bridge is between the Exodus and the government by a king. The basic structure has 11 sections. We can see these in the story about Othniel (Judges 3:7-11). 1 *Israel’s people do what is wrong. 2 *Israel’s people make the *Lord angry. 3 *Israel’s people suffer great cruelty.Acts 1. The inspired historian begins his narrative of the Acts of the Apostles, I. With a reference to, and a brief recapitulation of, his gospel, or history of the life of Christ, inscribing this, as he had done that, to his friend Theophilus, ver 1, 2. II. With a summary of the proofs of Christ's resurrection, his conference with his ... hathaway drive ins Acts 22:1. Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defence which I make now unto you. XXII. (1) Men, brethren, and fathers. —The apparently triple division is really only two-fold— Brethren and fathers. (See Note on Acts 7:2 .) It is noticeable that he begins his speech with the self-same formula as Stephen. marty burlsworth age Read Acts 8 bible commentary & study from Coffman Commentaries on the Bible by James Burton Coffman FREE on BiblePortal.comWhen he read Habakkuk 3:17-19, his listeners received it with praise and admiration – “What a magnificent poem!” they said, and wanted to know where they could get copies. Franklin told them to just look in Habakkuk chapter 3. (Boice) 2. (19) Knowing God’s strength, Habakkuk can trust God for strength. meredith schwarz samantha hegseth A witness must be willing to die for *Christ if this is necessary. In verse 8, Luke tells us what the whole book is about. In the first 7 chapters, he describes how the good news spread …2. ( Acts 8:2) The burial of Stephen. And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him. a. And devout men: Seemingly, theseJews were horrified at Stephen's murder. Perhaps this was Luke's way of reminding us that not all Jewish people of that time were enemies of Christianity. b. mother son memorial tattoos The light enveloped the whole company ( Acts 26:13 ). The whole company fell to the earth ( Acts 26:14 ). Jesus spoke in Hebrew ( Acts 26:14 ). He said, "It is hard for thee to kick against the goad" ( Acts 26:14 ). There is a fuller account of what Jesus said ( Acts 26:16; Acts 26:18 ). infinity parking mansfield ma ACTS 3 COMMENTARY. Acts 3:8-12 Praising God. Acts 3:13-21 God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Acts 3:22-26 Prophet Moses. Acts 3 Bible Study Questions (Handout) ACTS 3:1 1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. At what time did Peter and John go to the temple in Jerusalem?Ephesians 5:15-16 Commentary; Acts 21:8 ... Acts 10:8; 15:12, 14; 21:19). In English relate means to give an account of. Exegeomai means to "lead completely out" which means more than simple "telling" for it also unfolds something to reach a proper understanding, e.g ... joey's clubhouse grille at tidewater golf club menu Boice explains: "Stephen, who quotes the text, alters it, because he is not talking to the people of the northern kingdom but to the leaders of Israel in the south. It is their history that he has in mind.". b. God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven: The idea here is both important and awesome. little caesars port huron michigan Commentary on Acts Page #8 Abbreviations Used in These Notes ASV - American Standard Version b/c/v - book, chapter, and verse ESV - English Standard Version f - the following verse ff - the following verses KJV - King James Version NASB - New American Standard Bible NEB - New English BibleA free Bible Version and Commentary on the Old Testament Book of Leviticus in Easy English. Leviticus - Bible Study Commentary ... There is more about this in Leviticus chapter 8. R.K. Harrison, in the IVP *Commentary on Leviticus, points out an interesting fact. ... Read Acts 6:2, 1 Corinthians 9:13, 1 Corinthians 10:18 and 1 Timothy 5:17-18Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Acts 21:1. And it came to pass, that after we were gotten from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto Coos, and the day following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara: XXI. (1) After we were gotten from them . . .